PRIME – a new generation of sectional doors

The new generation of WIŚNIOWSKI sectional doors presents extraordinary quality, based on a set of unique technical solutions. In order to create a unique product, we had to reach for the basis of a sectional door, i.e. a panel.


Imagine a new generation garage door. A gate that is not a transformation of existing solutions, but a creative effect of the search for a balance between modern technology, quality, safety and design.


INNOVO panel 60mm

Panel cross-section with an inter-panel cover, fixed on the inside of the door leaf.


1.flexible inter-panel cover

2.aluminum profile for fastening flexible covers

3. five sheet metal layers at the hinge mounting point

4. inter-panel sealing

5. concealed hinge

6. polyurethane foam

innovo prime


PRIME is a design oriented towards elegant and timeless simplicity, breaking the conventions of purely functional use of a garage door. When designing it, we put emphasis on every detail, because details determine perfection.


rewolucja ciepla innovo

Thermal insulation distinguishes PRIME, qualifying it as one of the products recommended for energy-saving and even passive buildings. It is a response to the need to maximize energy gains and minimize heat losses in a building.

To achieve such properties of the door, it was necessary to obtain the lowest possible heat transfer coefficient.

PRIME takes full advantage of the thermal insulation properties of the INNOVO panel and the sealing systems used in it, eliminating heat loss in the most sensitive areas of the door leaf.



The U indicator of the INNOVO panel is 0.33 W / m2K, which translates into thermal insulation of the entire garage door. The new panel, double top and bottom sealing of the door leaf and inter-panel covers allowed us to achieve an excellent heat transfer coefficient.

prime termoizolacja

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